Frans Hiddema – The least used resource: patient

The fear of becom­ing blind is some­thing every­body can relate to. Just close your eyes and imag­ine the world will always remain dark like that. Frans Hiddema’s main focus is to reduce the fear of the hos­pi­tals’ patients. ‘Scared patients run a higher risk of some­thing going wrong.” The less afraid, the more sat­is­fied peo­ple are. This is an evidence-based result. The Rotterdam Oogziekenhuis (Eye Hospital) has 9.2 score on a scale from 1–10 for cus­tomer con­fi­dence. Safety and fear reduc­tion is some­thing we strongly believe in.’ For a safe treatment, why not empower the patient? Frans Hid­dema has been CEO of the Rot­ter­dam Oogzieken­huis (Eye Hos­pi­tal) since 1990. Pre­vi­ously he worked as a doc­tor in Ghana and Cameroon.